The benefits of eating in winter

What is it? You can eat raw fruits or cook them when they are cooked. Wolfberry is a relatively common food and people often like to eat it. To this end, Xiao Bian introduced some common sense about cicadas and how to eat them.

What is it?


荸荠 is a food that is often seen in daily life because it is shaped like a horseshoe and is called a horseshoe. In addition, earthworms are also known as groundnuts. This is because earthworms look like chestnuts, and taste and efficacy are similar to chestnuts.

荸荠 is rich in nutritive value, rich in phosphorus, can promote human development and metabolism, and can also play a certain antibacterial effect. Wolfberry also has a wealth of medicinal value, can play Qingrejiedu, phlegm, phlegm, diuretic, lower blood pressure, relieve flatulence and laxative effect.

Second, how to eat the most effective

1. When the fruit is eaten raw

You can eat raw fruits, but you should pay attention to the growth of the earthworms in the soil. The skins of the clams are more bacteria. Therefore, you must wash the clams and wash them with hot water. The oysters eaten in this way are sweet and refreshing and can retain the original flavor and nutrition.

2. When vegetables are cooked

Poria can also be cooked when vegetables are eaten. You can cook together with angelica and barley. Slice the angelica first, place it in a pot filled with water, boil it for half an hour, and then drain the angelica scum and put the cut wolfberry and barley in the pan. When you don’t have hot porridge, you can add appropriate amount of honey according to your taste. Angelica quinone porridge can improve people's immunity, clear away heat and detoxify, can effectively relieve the symptoms of sore throat, and can play a role in cancer prevention.

You can also cook soup with figs. The materials you need to prepare are wolfberry, fig, right amount of ginger and cane sugar. Wash the rind, peel, slice, and cut the figs, take the appropriate amount of ginger, then put the wolfberry, fig, and ginger together into the stew pot, put the sucrose and the appropriate amount of fresh water into the stew, stew, and stew. Two hours before consumption. The fig soup can play the role of detoxification.

Although wolfberry has a rich nutritional value, it should be noted that people with bloody sputum and people with cold kidney spleen are unfit for human consumption.

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