Beware of tomato physiological curls

In a recent production survey, it was found that there was a physiological leaf rolling disease in some tomato fields in the Beijing suburbs. Here, we will introduce the identification and prevention of the disease.

Symptom recognition

The main manifestations are leaf curling. In the light, only the middle and lower leaf margins are slightly gathered and curled to the front. In severe cases, the entire leaf is curled into a tube, and the leaves are slightly thick and brittle. In general, there are no symptoms such as wilting, lesions, leaf discoloration, malformation and clumping.


The disease is a kind of physiological disease, and both open field and facility production can occur, mostly occurring before or during harvest of the tomato. The main causes are poor environmental conditions and improper agricultural operations, which lead to water deficit in the tomato plants. To reduce the water loss, the stomata in the leaves close, causing the leaves to collapse or curl up and appear physiological leaf curls. High temperature, strong light, air drying, lack of water in the soil and excessive concentration of soil solution all contribute to the disease. Tomato premature pruning and topping, or plant damage and root damage, affect the plant water and nutrient absorption and supply, easy to induce tomato physiological curling. After the summer rain, the rain and high temperature after the irrigation and improper fertilization, leading to plant physiological drought, tomato prone to physiological leaf rolling.

Control methods

1. Tolerant drought training after the colonization of tomatoes until fruit setting.

2. Strengthen water and fertilizer management. In the tomato growing season, it should be poured with small water to avoid over-drying of the soil and keep the air in the field moist. Water should be applied sooner or later to avoid watering at high temperatures at noon. Timely cultivating, maintaining the vitality of the root system, balanced fertilization, and conditional fertilization with fertilizer.

3. The summer tomato should be shade net covering cultivation, to do late cover cover, cloudy cover, rain storm sunny as soon as possible cover. Conditional shelters can use film cooling materials.

4. Pruning and topping at the right time. Topping and collateral shaping should not be too early or too heavy. It should be based on the growth of the plant and maintain a reasonable leaf area. Lateral buds should be longer than 5 cm in length to be destroyed. The pruning and topping should be light and try to leave a small wound while avoiding other mechanical damage to the plant.

Greenhouse Garden Hydroponics

In a hydroponic system, plants are placed in nutrient-enriched water. Mediums such as gravels, sand or vermiculite can also be used. Thus plants which are placed in the water absorb the nutrients very easly. When the nutrients from the water starts finishing , water is recycled or additional nutrients are added.

Greenhouse Garden Hydroponics,Hydroponic Garden,Hydroponic Greenhouse