The function and effect of poppy shell

Poppy shell is less commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. From the song "Kai Bao Materia Medica."

Alias: Royal rice shell, millet shell.

Source: The dried husks of opium poppy, whose seeds and tenderlings are also used for medicinal purposes. All have cultivation.

Origin: native to southern Europe and Asia, now there is planting in China.

Character identification: The shell is oval or bottled oval, sometimes broken into pieces. The outside surface is yellowish-white or light brown, with vertical or horizontal cuts, and 11 to 12 protruding stigmas at the top, arranged radially and discoidally. Stems have short handles. Peel crisp, woody. After breaking open, the inner surface is light yellow, slightly shiny, and there are more than a dozen false membranes. There are brown and black dots on the inside, which are the detached marks of the seeds. They are light and brittle. Gas fragrance, taste bitter.

It is better to use a large, yellowish-white, hard-coated skin.

Ingredients: Shell contains morphine, codeine, thebaine, narcotine, papaverine and papaverine, alkaloids and so on.

Efficacy and role:

1. Poppy shell contains morphine, narcoticine and codeine, so it has sedative and analgesic effects.

2, can reduce the excitability of the cough center, inhibit cough reflex, so it has antitussive effect.

In addition, the poppy husk can also inhibit intestinal peristalsis and diarrhea.

Processed: shredded, honey system.

Taste: acid, flat.

Gui: After entering the lungs, kidneys, and large intestine.

Function: Convergence of the lungs and cough, astringent intestines, and pain.

Indications: chronic cough, diarrhea, prolapse, blood in the stool, smooth sperm.

Clinical application: Poppy shell sourness, into the lungs, kidneys, large intestine. Convergence of work, not only can catch the lungs and cough, but also astringent intestines to stop diarrhea, it can cure long-term deficiency of lung deficiency, or long-term diarrhea disease.

1, rule lung qi not, cough more than long, often with Wu Mei and other compatibility, such as small Bailu Wan.

2, cure long diarrhea for a long time, can be used alone, or with woody, Coptis and other compatibility with the use.

In addition, the analgesic effect of poppy shells is also very significant, and it is particularly good for stomach cramps. As a result of sexual convergence, as a symptom of the drug, so the beginning of diarrhea or cough should not be served.

Use Note: ("combined with Materia Medica"): "Early dysentery or cough hanged."

Dosage: 2.4 ~ 6g, or into the pill, scattered.

Examples of prescriptions: 1, Xiaobailu Pills ("Xuanming Fang Fang"): more than treatment of labor and wheezing, spontaneous sweating, how many poppies shell, fry for the end, each serving 6g, such as Wu Mei Tong Jian, warm clothes, food After the sweat, add 30g of wheat, and cook with warm clothes.

2, Papaver Powder ("Pu Shi Fang"): treatment of children with a long time vomiting and diarrhea, do not think of milk or white phlegm; poppy 30g (fried), medlar 30, inconsistent kernel 6g, system licorice 6g, on the end, Three years old 1.5g, before serving rice.


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