American girl drinking functional drink death lead panic caffeine drink children should not

Recently, it is possible for functional drink lovers to put down their functional drinks with a piece of news. According to news, a 14-year-old American girl died of cardiac arrest after drinking two cans of approximately 680 milliliters of a functional drink called "Monster" within 24 hours, and died six days later. The news is shocking, but this is not the first time that a functional beverage has taken over. It is understood that from 2009 to June 2012, the US Food and Drug Administration received five deaths and one heart attack report that may link the "Monster" functional beverage. Who would have thought that he would die of a bottle of drink? What exactly is a functional beverage? Is there also the same risk for functional beverages that are commercially available in China? With questions, the reporter visited.

Deadly caffeine?

The "monster" function drink that causes the girl's death is 240 milligrams of caffeine per can. The girl died from drinking two bottles of this kind of drink. The girl’s family sued the “Monster” Beverage Company to the court, acknowledging that the drink was associated with the death of the daughter and that the producer did not alert the consumer about the risks that the product might pose. Litigation documents show that the late girl “caffeine poisoning led to arrhythmia,” the original valvular heart disease complex. Two cans of “monsters” contained 480 milligrams of caffeine, equivalent to the caffeine content of 14 to 340 milliliters of “Coca-Cola” beverages.

Liu Yongmin, deputy director of the Department of Cardiology at Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, told reporters that caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant belonging to the second category of psychotropic drugs. People will appear to have symptoms such as excitement, rapid heart rate, etc. after ingestion, but generally they will not cause symptoms. death. In the case of the original valvular heart disease, the original heart disease was the main cause of death. However, patients with underlying diseases such as heart disease do need to be careful to avoid taking caffeine. Liu Yongmin said that normal people have a process of adapting to caffeine, but if they feel palpitations and panicky after taking caffeine, they should lie down and rest, and serious cases should be immediately taken to the hospital for treatment.

Gu Zhongyi, a well-known dietitian, also stated that high-dose or long-term consumption of caffeine can also cause damage to the human body. In particular, it also has addiction. Once disabled, there will be various withdrawal symptoms such as mental fatigue and fatigue. The recommended daily intake of caffeine for adults is less than 200 milligrams, while the American “Monster” functional beverage contains 240 milligrams of caffeine, which is extremely high. A bottle exceeds the limit of 200 milligrams. As a refreshing and anti-fatigue material, caffeinated foods are generally not recommended for pregnant women, children, and adolescents.

Commercial functional beverages

Caffeine content is less than 50mg

It is understood that the related "Monster" functional beverages are not sold in China. How about the content of caffeine sold in China's market? A reporter of a functional beverage counter in a large supermarket discovered that caffeine-containing functional beverages include Red Bull (yellow can), taurine-enhanced Red Bull (silver can), force health care, and Baiyinli, among which caffeine in Yellow Pot Red Bull The highest content, each bottle content is 50mg. There is no caffeine content on the packaging of coffee, tea and other beverages. In addition, on the above-mentioned caffeinated functional beverage package, there was also an “edible amount”, and most brands labeled “unfitted people”. (See the table below)

Name caffeine content marked daily consumption inappropriate population

Yellow cans of Red Bull 50mg 2 cans (250ml/can) Children

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