Man eats these foods with blood

Blood is no gender, and everyone needs blood for anemia or other reasons. Of course, men are inevitable. So what do men eat when they are anaemic? In the following, we recommend these foods that are most suitable for men's blood.

Man eats these blood

Black beans

Eating black beans can help human kidneys to produce medullary blood, and it can also enhance spleen and stomach function. Therefore, if some kidney or blood deficiency men eat more black beans is very beneficial. In addition, regular consumption of black beans can also prevent aging and enhance vitality.

Black sesame

There is a simpler way to supplement blood, that is, foods with black and red colors are generally blood-supplemented. This is because the black food enters the kidney and helps the kidneys to breathe. Kidney essence, essence marrow, and myeloid blood, therefore, the essence of blood is also kidney. As for the red food blood, the theory stems from "adding shape and complementing colors."

The sesame seeds into the liver, kidney, lung, spleen, there is blood and eyesight, Sheng Jing Tong milk, Yigan Yang hair effect. Eating sesame can promote the function of kidney blood, liver blood and spleen blood. Therefore, the male friends who usually want to supplement their blood can often eat sesame to supplement their blood. The effect is still very good.


Usually men want blood, you can eat some red dates every day, so you can have a good blood effect, because red dates have nourishing the spleen, blood and soothe the nerves; but also nourish the heart and lung, to reconcile the health, promote body fluid, clearance Rehearsal and help meridian 12 meridians. For anemia, white, blood disorders have a good nursed back to health.

3 bad habits cause anemia

1, do not eat staple foods and meat eggs

The consequences of not eating staple foods and meat eggs are terrifying. Do not eat meat and egg foods, the body is easy to lack of protein and vitamin B12, calcium, iron, zinc and other trace elements.

2, fruits and vegetables, yogurt when the dinner

Nowadays, more and more women are eating fruits, vegetables and yogurt. The oxalic acid, phytic acid, phosphoric acid and dietary fiber contained in plants also affect the absorption of iron. The absorption rate is only ten times that of meat. one.

3. Changyin Tea and Coffee

Coffee contains a certain amount of nutrients. Tea is also a good product for health. However, it must be consumed in a proper amount. Coffee contains a compound called stone carbonic acid that interferes with the body's absorption of iron.

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