Wuhan confirmed 10 cases of bird flu 5 cases have recovered 445 markets

Since December of last year, the H7N9 bird flu has developed rapidly in our city. Yesterday, the Wuhan Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning jointly with the city’s agricultural department, industry and commerce department, and education department reported the latest developments in the epidemic situation and answered questions concerning the public's concern.

Data: 5 confirmed cases of bird flu patients recovered

Since the first H7N9 flu epidemic in the country in 2013, the epidemic has been the fifth wave since December last year. At present, the epidemic has been reported in many places across the country. Epidemic reports have also been reported in the surrounding provinces and surrounding areas of Wuhan.

From February 13th, 22 cases of H7N9 influenza were diagnosed in our province, and 3 cases died. There were 10 cases diagnosed in our city and 5 cases discharged. Before the onset of the disease, all patients had contact with poultry or went to the live poultry market.

The live poultry market has become the focus of strict management. At the meeting, the city’s industrial and commercial departments disclosed that all live poultry markets in the city were closed and trading activities were stopped. At present, 445 live poultry markets have been closed, all 1,016 live poultry operators have stopped trading, and cold chain foods and white striped chickens have been sold, with 26,413 belts sold. Diseased or suspected live poultry were slaughtered and farmers were compensated according to the standard.

Treatment: There are a total of 12 fixed-point treatment hospitals in the city

At present, the Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission has set up 12 fixed-point treatment hospitals in the city, namely Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Jinyintan Hospital of Wuhan City (City Medical Treatment Center), Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital, Wuhan Houzhong District Hospital, Wuhan City Integrative Medicine Hospital, City Children's Hospital, Dongxihu District People's Hospital, Caidian District People's Hospital, Jiangxia District People's Hospital, Huangpi District People's Hospital, Xinzhou District People's Hospital, Xiehe Hospital West District, including the Municipal Children's Hospital for the city's pediatric patients designated treatment hospital.

At the same time, from the major hospitals such as Tongji Hospital, Union Hospital, Zhongnan Hospital, etc., the elite recruits will be selected, the authoritative experts in respiratory medicine and critical care departments will be selected, and the medical treatment expert group will be established. All second-level medical institutions in the city carry out monitoring, sampling, and testing of outpatient fever patients and in-hospital monitoring patients.

Zhou Wang, director of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that the city's five patients who had been successfully discharged were all critically ill patients. At present, the epidemic has shown a steady decline. The last confirmed case in the city was confirmed on February 10 and there have been no cases for five consecutive days. report. It is expected that with the continued closure of the live poultry trading market in the later period, as the temperature rises, the city's outbreak will tend to be stable, but sporadic cases may still appear one after another.

Prevention: The best way to avoid contact with poultry pets at home

How should the public prevent H7N9 risk in their daily life? Zhou Wang reminded that it is necessary to maintain proper space and distance when contacting animals. "People are infected with the H7N9 avian flu infection, mainly in the poultry market in the live poultry market or in the live poultry market, but the city has also been exposed to the infection of poultry. Therefore, there are also certain pets and free-range poultry raised by citizens. Risk, the best captive, in the near future, the public should avoid contact with poultry pets, poultry, such as wild birds found in the wild or dead, do not easily contact, if contact with timely washing with soap and running water.”

It is now in the season of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, and universities. The education department reminds students to go to a hospital immediately if they have fever, headache, or cough. It is best to choose a second-level medical institution. Regarding the development of the H7N9 bird flu vaccine that is of concern to the public, relevant sources revealed that at present, only the vaccine against seasonal flu has no H7N9 bird flu vaccine.

According to the "Wuhan Morning News" report:

Experts refuted six rumors of bird flu

Many rumors related to bird flu are circulating among the people. Yesterday, at the press conference on the prevention and control of H7N9 bird flu in Wuhan, experts carried out rumors on some of the rumors of “fail”.

Rumor 1: The epidemic worsened this year

Pipa: Caused by laws, late or sporadic cases

Director of Wuhan Disease Control Center Zhou Wang:

The reason for the high incidence of this year's epidemic is related to the epidemic of infectious diseases: When a new infectious disease begins to become more prevalent, the number of infected people will change from small to large and will naturally decrease after peak epidemics. Therefore, in recent years, the number of cases in the country and surrounding provinces and cities has increased.

On the other hand, according to past epidemics, it is suggested that before and after the Spring Festival, the transaction and circulation of live poultry in provinces and provinces are very active. Human infection with the H7N9 bird flu epidemic usually peaks before and after the Spring Festival, and then gradually declines. At present, the last confirmed case of Zhang in Wuhan was on the 1st of February and was diagnosed on February 10th. There was no new case report thereafter.

It is expected that with the continued closure of the live poultry trade market in the later period, the Wuhan epidemic will tend to stabilize as the temperature rises, but sporadic cases may still appear one after another.

Rumor 2: Birds on the outskirts will be infected when encountering wild birds

Ruan: Don't get too close to animals

Director of Wuhan Disease Control Center Zhou Wang:

Currently known case infections are mainly exposed to poultry or live poultry markets. People have less chance to visit poultry in the park and in the wild. To play in the park, there is less risk of contracting H7N9 flu.

However, when playing in the park or in the wild, it is advisable for the public to avoid direct contact with the animals, and especially not to overly close the wild birds. If a wild bird that is found sick or dead is found in the wild, it should promptly report to the wildlife (forestry) management department in the area.

Rumor 3: Pets and Birds in the House Cannot Be Raised

Rumor: keep in the house, risk is not great

Director of Wuhan Disease Control Center Zhou Wang:

Don't worry too much. The parrots’ citizens mostly keep their parrots in their cages. Their range of activities does not exceed that of their families and they do not communicate with the outside world. They are not directly related to the spread of bird flu and there are not too many risks. Pigeons often need to be released and may be relocated. Contamination of birds does not rule out the possibility of infection and there is a certain risk of infection. However, there are no reports of illness after contact with pigeons.

During the epidemic, the public should avoid contact with these poultry pets and poultry. Wash hands with soap and running water immediately after contact.

Rumor 4: Earth eggs cannot be eaten

Pipa: Clean, Cooked, Eat Peace of Mind

Director of Wuhan Disease Control Center Zhou Wang:

Eating cooked eggs does not pose a significant risk of infection. Bird flu viruses are generally sensitive to heat and can be killed completely by heating at 100°C for more than two minutes.

Rumor 5: Children may cross-infection on campus

Pioneering: Rest assured, campus prevention and control are the focus

Wuhan City Bureau of Education:

At present, the health department has instructed schools and child-care institutions to strengthen the morning examination. Students who have influenza-like illnesses such as fever, headache, and cough should immediately be sent to a hospital for treatment, and parents should be notified to perform isolation therapy and close contact with them. Observe. The school implements dedicated personnel to regularly disinfect classrooms, teaching and living areas, open windows for ventilation, and maintain air circulation.

Rumor 6: Bird flu vaccine prevention

Pipa: No research and development plan

Director of Wuhan Disease Control Center Zhou Wang:

H7N9 bird flu is not seasonal flu and is not widely distributed among the population. At present, there is only a vaccine against seasonal flu, and there is no H7N9 bird flu vaccine. As long as the public pays attention to protection and does not contact live poultry or live poultry trading markets, the risk of infection is not great. (Source: Wuhan Evening News)

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