Patients with three high grades should pay attention to the prevention of stroke

Stroke is a general term for a class of diseases. These diseases are characterized by sudden onset of sudden fainting to the ground, unconsciousness of personnel, or sudden and profuse distortions, unfavorable language, and hemiplegia. From the point of view of modern medicine, Stroke is a cerebrovascular accident, its essence is the occurrence of lesions in the brain arteries or the cervix arteries that control the brain, causing focal blood circulation disorders, which in turn lead to acute or subacute brain damage.Strokes are sometimes called "stroke". Both are basically the same thing.


The most common symptoms of stroke are patients with varying degrees of language, exercise, and sensory impairments. Those with motor dysfunction are referred to as hemiplegia, commonly known as "partial paralysis."

The symptoms of stroke have a variety of manifestations, the most common being

1. Halo

2, headache

3, limb numbness

4, suddenly one side weakness or activity is not flexible

5, temporary unclear or speechless

6, suddenly appeared unexplained fall or fainted

7. Spiritual changes, transient loss of consciousness, sudden changes in personality, and short-term judgments or intellectual disabilities

8, appear drowsiness

9. Suddenly watching a subject with unclear vision or consciously a black eye, even a momentary sudden blindness;

10, nausea, vomiting or hiccups, or blood pressure fluctuations accompanied by dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus

11, one side or one - limb twitches

12, nose bleeding: especially frequent nosebleeds.

"Three-high patient" is more likely to have a stroke:

1, high blood pressure: is a risk factor for stroke, 80% of stroke patients with hypertension.

2. Heart disease: Coronary arteriosclerosis is often accompanied by cerebral arteriosclerosis.

3. Diabetes: About 10% to 30% of stroke patients suffer from diabetes.

4, cerebral arteriosclerosis: is the basis of the occurrence of stroke.

Five eating habits can prevent stroke

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits

Eat at least five or more a day, which must have carrots. People who eat five or more carrots a week have a 68% less risk of stroke than those who eat only one or less carrots every month! This is Harvard's tracking of 90,000 female nurses. After eight years, the results obtained. In addition, spinach is also a very effective stroke prevention food.

Carrots and spinach are protective because they are rich in beta-carotene. According to the study, the difference in stroke rates between those who ingest 15-20 mg of beta-carotene per day and those who ingest only 6 mg per day is significant. Vegetables like carrots, spinach, and other beta-carotene-rich vegetables can prevent stroke because it prevents cholesterol from being oxidized into harmful forms that accumulate in blood vessels and cause blood clots. What's more, if you have a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin A in your blood, it can help you to avoid the death of stroke, reduce the nerve damage caused by stroke, and accelerate the recovery of the body! This is tested by researchers at the University of Brussels The conclusions were drawn after 80 strokes of the blood of the 80 stroke patients.

This is because when your stroke, that is, the brain is hypoxic, your brain cell function begins to be impeded, and the most serious condition is the injury of the brain nerve cells. But if you have a lot of vitamin A in your blood, it can stop when various cytopathies happen, thus reducing the degree of brain damage or the chance of death.

2. Eat fish at least three times a week, especially fish rich in omega-3 fat

If you have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids in your blood, you have less chance of stroke, and if you have a stroke, the damage will be less. A recent study in the Netherlands found that people between the ages of 60 and 69 who eat fish at least once a week and those who do not eat fish have half the chance of a stroke in the next 15 years.

A series of studies conducted by Japan also found that fishermen eating 9 ounces of fish per day are 25-40% less likely to die from stroke due to farmers who only eat 3 ounces of fish per day. This is because the magical omega-3 fatty acids regulate the state of the blood, making blood less likely to form clots, thereby preventing cerebral blood vessel obstruction.

If you are old enough to worry about your blood vessel obstruction, you may want to imagine this: When you take fish oil, it will stay in your cell membrane. The fish oil-rich cells are more elastic and fluid-like soft. In other words, cells like this soft form are more likely to squeeze through constricted blood vessels and transport oxygen to cells in the brain and heart. This clever change can save you life, especially when your blood vessels are aging and obstructed. By the way, the effect of eating saturated animal fats is just the opposite, making the cell membranes stiffer. Therefore, in order to prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease, it is best not to eat this type of fat.

3. Control salt intake

Even if salt doesn't raise your blood pressure, it can also be harmful to brain tissue and cause minor strokes. Experiments with rats have been used to feed them with high-salt and low-salt diets. Rats who ate a high-salt diet had died of all strokes within fifteen weeks, although their blood pressure did not increase; only 12% of rats on a low-salt diet died of stroke. Rats who died of high-salt diets suffered a series of mild strokes that eventually resulted in brain tissue necrosis and arterial damage.

4. Do not drink too much

Drink only one or two cups a day. Proper amounts of alcohol can prevent stroke, and excessive amounts of alcohol can cause stroke. Researchers in the United Kingdom have found that drinking one or two glasses of wine a day and suffering from hemorrhagic stroke or stroke due to vascular embolism are only 60-70% of those who do not drink alcohol. People who drink three or four drinks a day or more are three times more likely to have a stroke than those who do not drink.

5. May wish to consider drinking tea, especially drinking green tea

Remember, taking these actions can reduce your nerve damage and reduce your chances of dying from stroke in the event of a stroke.

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