48 popular diet methods

Now there are many ways to lose weight. Is every one effective in losing weight? Diet and diet is a lot of beauty MM love to use weight loss methods, Xiao Bian specially collected 48 kinds of popular diet weight loss method, for you to analyze their advantages and disadvantages, teach you how to lose weight can be relaxed and healthy to enjoy thin!


1. Banana diet

A bowl of white rice contains about 160 calories of energy, and each banana contains only 80 to 100 calories of energy. If bananas are substituted for each bowl of rice for each meal, weight loss can be achieved because this method can reduce the body's energy intake by 200 to 300 calories per day.

Advantages: bananas feel full, but also rich in calcium and vitamins, can eliminate edema.

Side effects: The use of this method should pay attention to the choice of side dishes, should be high nutrition and heat the end of the food is better, otherwise they may unknowingly absorb more heat.

2. Pineapple slimming method

Within one week, only pineapple was used as a staple food for three meals and no other food was eaten.

Advantages: By using the above method for a week, you can reduce the weight of 2 to 3 kg.

Side effects: Pineapple contains an enzyme that breaks down proteins. This enzyme damages the cavities of the oral cavity and causes tingling in the mouth, and eating only pineapples results in unbalanced nutrition.

3. Apple slimming method

In a very simple way, it only takes 3 days to continue eating apples and mineral water. The other foods will not be eaten. No cycle can lose 3 to 5 kilograms on average.

Advantages: Apple itself contains a large number of things fiber, can help eliminate stool, and its potassium has a diuretic effect, allowing the body's residual waste with the urine to exclude the body, there are cosmetic effects.

Side effects: 1 apple has about 100 kcal of calories. Although you can eat apples indefinitely within 3 days, you can only eat 2 to 3 meals at a time. In addition, in the implementation of this weight-loss method within 3 days, it is best to eat easier to digest light food; otherwise the stomach after excessive hunger, once exposed to high-calorie foods, will absorb too much calories, not only increase the burden on the stomach, but also make the body more than before obesity.

4. Tomato thinning method

One meal a day only eat tomatoes, cooking should pay attention to less oil, less salt, less sugar, each meal can only be a raw tomato hunger.

Advantages: A 120g tomato has about 30g calories, 95g moisture, 1.5g protein, 0.3g fat, 6.3g carbohydrate, 1.4g fiber, and rich calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1, B2 , C, E, red tomato and so on, although the tomato itself does not have a direct weight loss effect, but the low-calorie high-fiber characteristics help detoxification, eat more full belly, thus avoiding the opportunity to eat other high-calorie foods, insights to achieve weight loss purpose.

Side effects: People with stomach problems should not eat tomatoes regularly, so as not to cause excessive gastric acid secretion and cause discomfort. Immature tomatoes may cause problems such as dizziness or nausea, and are not edible. Although this method is feasible, but the tomato itself is almost composed of water, in addition to vitamin C, there is not much nutrients, so the remaining two meals other than the tomato meal should pay attention to the nutritional content.

5. Aloe Vera Diet

Eating aloe vera 3 to 5 centimeters long a day is enough, but the weight is always different from person to person. However, there must be persevering habits to get results.

Advantages: The transparent flesh of aloe skin has strong immunity. Apart from containing pectin components that can make blood flow smoothly, it can also improve constipation and make the skin smooth and soft.

Side Effects: Since ancient times, Aloe Vera has the nickname of “No Need for Healers”. It has the function of laxatives. Eating too much can cause diarrhea. A moderate amount of food can help expel the accumulated waste in the body and reduce weight, so you must pay attention when you eat.

6. Weight loss dishes slimming method

The slimming dish is a kind of shrub called "Gongmu" which is native to Southeast Asia and uses ordinary vegetable broth to cook cooked food.

Advantages: It is said that you can lose a few kilograms when you eat a few kilograms of diet food

Side effects: Because of the plant alkaloid content, diet foods can cause side effects such as insomnia, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, they can cause lung failure.

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