Spring and summer tea for slimming and slimming

Spring and summer are beautiful seasons, but some people are happy that someone is awkward. Looking at the body's fat is not going, how to do it? Do not worry, today Xiaobian introduced three cellulite slimming tea, the production method is simple, is conducive to detoxification Runchang, help thin.

1, hawthorn malt tea

Ingredients: Hawthorn (30 g), raw malt (15 g), raw grain bud (15 g), dried tangerine peel (6 g).

Modulation method: soak the material for 1 hour, boil it for half an hour, and cook 2-3 bowls. When the tea drinks, it can help digestion, eliminate food stagnation and inflation.

Hawthorn has a medicinal effect, because of its lukewarm, sweet and sour taste, digestion and stagnation, blood circulation, blood stasis effect. For people who eat too much and feel full after eating, eating hawthorn can eliminate food and relieve abdominal distention.

2, green papaya ribs soup

Materials: Green papaya (1), ribs (appropriate amount).

Modulation method: Peel the green papaya, go to seed, cut into pieces, and boil soup with ribs.

Green papaya is rich in vitamin C, carotene, minerals, carbohydrates, etc., and its acid content is minimal. It also contains a kind of fiber protein that is hardly available in the human body. This protein is easily digested by gastric juice and pancreatic juice and is of great value for blood coagulation inside and outside the body. The enzymes contained in the papaya are very helpful to the body's digestive function.

3, apple pear lean meat soup

Ingredients: apples (3), pears (2), yam (15-30 g), apricot (15 g), apricot (10 g), lean meat (appropriate amount).

Modulation method: Cut apples and pears and boil them together with other ingredients.

In addition to using Chinese herbal tea or diet to relieve symptoms and carelessness, other simple and effective methods also include multiple activities to promote gastrointestinal motility and help digestion.

These are all categories of drinks that are not part of the diet. They are helpful for the stomach and intestines, reducing the burden on the stomach and stomach, promoting digestion and absorption in the stomach, cleaning the internal organs of the body, excreting the body's waste and making it easy to get obese.

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