Young laying hens should pay attention to issues

The breeding period of laying hens is a crucial period for breeding high-laying hens. In this stage, the average weight, evenness and length of the flock should be used as an important indicator of the degree of flock development. The flock should be tested regularly and the growth and development status of the flock should be grasped based on these three indicators so as to adjust the feeding and management. method. If the weight is too large, it is necessary to limit the feeding. If the weight is not adjusted enough, the feeding must be strengthened. Restricted feeding is divided into two methods: limiting feed volume and limiting feed quality. In the production practice, some farms (households) have improperly reared young chickens in order to save feed costs, resulting in poor performance of the chickens in the future and even affecting the economic benefits of the chickens in their lifetime. Recoverable economic loss. The problems that should be noticed in keeping chickens restricted are as follows:

Before tidying the flock, it is necessary to pay attention to timely picking out chickens that are underweight or overly weak and do not participate in feeding restrictions so as to avoid death.

Immediately before the feed is cut off, it must be promptly broken to prevent bruising and feed wastage.

In addition to natural light control, the light can not be artificially increased during feed restriction, so as to avoid premature sexual maturity, affecting future high yield and stable production.

Limit drinking water restrictions on feeding should be appropriate to prevent excessive drinking water and diarrhea. How much water is limited depends on the temperature. Under normal circumstances, drinking water for 1 hour in the morning and in the afternoon, the number of drinking water can be appropriately increased in hot weather.

The timely weighing and restriction chickens should be weighed one by one after 16 weeks of age. The overweight chicken should reduce the feeding amount, and the lighter chicken should increase the feeding appropriately to keep the chicken population uniform.

In addition, when epidemic prevention, swarming and flocks become ill, the restriction of feed should be suspended until after the constitution is restored and the feed is limited as appropriate.

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