US and Australian Scientists Discover More Convenient "Gene Sorting" Method

Sohu Science July 12, 2006 According to the Physorg website July 11, 2006, scientists from the United States and Australia have innovated a new method of gene sequencing that can be solved faster and cheaper than current state-of-the-art technologies. Gene code.

Scientists from the Institute of Literary Research at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, published their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Toston Thomas, one of the participants in this study, said, “The code to crack the entire gene of an organ is an expensive project. Until then, we have been relying on 30 years of technology to divide the gene and then proceed to A newer method is a genetic synthesis method that we have gradually worked out over the years to conduct real-time, photoelectric observations and reveal genetic information. This method is 100 times faster than previous methods."

Scientists analyzed six kinds of marine bacteria, evaluated the cost-effectiveness of cracking the genetic code under the old and new methods, and confirmed that this new invention's hybrid method is cheaper and faster. They found that the advantage of mixing the two sorting methods is to better reveal the genetic information.

The research team also found that the "Sangha" sorting method is more suitable for sorting slightly larger genes, and the so-called "454 Piesort sorting method" is more suitable for sorting smaller, more complex genes. . Mixed sorting makes it easier for scientists to sort genetic fragments.

Scientists believe that the hybrid sorting method will be more applied to small microbial gene sorting, and the "Sangha" sorting method may be more suitable for a slightly larger gene sort. Dr. Thomas said, "This new hybrid sorting method can produce better sorting results, and hopefully it will promote other genetic research projects. Many genetic research projects have been forced to stop due to economic considerations."

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