What are the benefits of eating grapefruit in winter

Winter is a good time to eat grapefruit. Grapefruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, known as "vitamin tablets in fruit." Its juicy and sweet flesh is one of the most popular fruits that people can eat and lose weight. Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit is sweet, cold, and has good effects such as qi and phlegm, lungs and intestines, blood and spleen, etc. It is a good fruit for raising lungs and relieving cough and getting angry after a cold.


The nutritional value of grapefruit

Grapefruit has high nutritional value and contains very rich protein, organic acids, and essential elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium. This is incomparable to other fruits. Pomelo is also rich in vitamin c and insulin-like ingredients, have hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering, weight loss, skin beauty and other effects.

Modern medicine believes that grapefruit also contains a physiologically active substance called pomelo peel, which can reduce the viscosity of blood and reduce the formation of thrombus. Therefore, eating grapefruit can promote wound healing and have better preventive effects on septicemia, cerebral thrombosis, stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases, especially for middle-aged and elderly people.

Pomelo is getting colder

Grapefruit is fragrant, sweet and sour, cool, nutritious, highly medicinal, rich in carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, and various minerals. Grapefruit is cold, eating grapefruit has a certain fire effect.

Grapefruit easily produces satiety

The grapefruit's weight loss mechanism: Compared to other fruits, it belongs to citrus (do you know? Eat more citrus can control weight), vitamin c content is rich, and fiber content is also many, easy to produce satiety. However, its calorie content is very low and it is comparable to watermelon.

For example, a piece of Shatian Pomelo (140g) is 20 kcal. The superior weight-reducing effect of grapefruit is that it is rich in acid and so on, and can effectively stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, affect the absorption of nutrients, thereby inhibiting appetite.

And grapefruit contains special amino acids that inhibit insulin secretion. This inhibits the conversion of blood sugar into fat in the liver. Grapefruit is a low-GI food, so even if you eat a little more, its calories are quickly converted into fat.

In a 12-week “grapefruit weight loss” study, doctors looked closely at factors such as weight and metabolism. Among 100 participants, those who ate half a grapefruit per meal lost an average of 3.6 pounds and drank three cups of grapefruit a day. Juicers lost an average of 3.3 pounds, and some even reduced more than 10 pounds.

Grapefruit weight loss specific method

In the morning - mainly high protein and high nutrition, recommend 1 cup of milk + 1 spot, plus 1/3 grapefruit; eat 1/3 grapefruit before lunch; and dinner with lunch.

Note: Appropriate control of starch and fat intake. To ensure that there is an intake of about one grapefruit per day, during weight loss, do not over-diet, but affect the body's basic metabolism. If you are cold, your daily grapefruit intake may be reduced.

Cleverly eat grapefruit skin, eat more and more lean

Sweet and refreshing grapefruit is deeply loved by people, but thick pomelo skin is often abandoned. In fact, pomelo peel can not only be used as an air freshener in the room, but also edible, has a very good therapeutic effect.

There are many ways to eat pomelo, but because of its bitter taste, it is necessary to first trim off the yellowish epidermis, leaving the middle soft white sponge partially cut into thin slices, put it in boiling water for 10 minutes, remove it and put it in cold water repeatedly. Continuously squeezing and cleaning until the green and astringent taste in the grapefruit peel is removed, and the water is thoroughly squeezed, and the dishes such as fried pomelo, pomelo peeled pork, and pomelo peeled pork ribs are prepared by means of frying. The pomelo peel has good adsorption. The use of pomelo peel into the dish can reduce the fat content of the dish, and at the same time it can dissolve the oiliness. Therefore, the pomelo skin is best boiled together with meat, seafood and other "fertilizers". The skin absorbs the scent of the meat, and the sweetness of the pomelo penetrates into the meat.

In addition, pomelo peel can also be boiled together with honey tea, with digestion, elimination of phlegm, hangover, beauty and other functions, regular consumption, hypertension, vascular sclerosis, obesity and other diseases have adjuvant therapy.

Greenhouse Wiggle Wire

Wiggle wire lock is designed to be used with poly lock base cap- sold separately. Greenhouse wiggle wire and base care are an effective method of attaching your poly film roof and or shade cloth. The greenhouse wiggle wire lock will hold form 4 mil to 20 mil thickness of material. Use one wire to hold the roof in place and then add a second wire to hold your shade cloth. When it is time to remove the shade cloth, you will not disturb the roof plastic.
Universal Base (WIG2000)- used on the curved surface, i.e. the arch for attaching the end wall covering.
Standard Base (WIG1000) - used along the straight lengths of your greenhouse.

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