How to wash the squid squid squid wash the safest

Many friends like to eat squid very much. Their own family stir-fried or hot pot is a very good choice. However, everyone buys the whole fresh squid will face the big project of going home to clean it. The structure of squid is also very complicated. So how do you wash the squid? How do you wash the splanchnic organ?


1. Separate your head and body first and rinse with water.

2. Cut the squid and remove the internal organs.

3. Then remove the skin of the eel (a layer of black flower) and put it in a little food base to wash it and flush it;

4. The claws on the squid must be carefully washed with alkali because there are suction cups (calcified cartilage)!

5 Eyes need to be removed, but be sure to note: When you remove the eyes, there are black liquids inside and don't splash on your body. It's hard to wash.

6. The teeth of the squid in the center of the claws are also removed. The so-called teeth are actually two olecranon-like things on the mouth.

The more this kind of soft marine food must be cleaned, and it must be fully cooked, because if it is not treated with high temperature, it is easy for some parasites to be stored in its body. Dealing with these is no problem! We must eat the United States and the United States, but also the body is great!

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