Pollution-free control of tomato diseases and pests

At present, the main diseases and insect pests of tomato fields in China are virus disease, early blight, bacterial wilt, blight, late blight, leaf mold, gray mold, canker disease; aphids, cotton bollworm, leaf miner, tea plant, and whitefly. For the prevention and control of tomato pests and diseases, the plant protection policy of "prevention-oriented, comprehensive prevention and control" should be followed, and the principle of harmless control based on "agricultural control, physical control, and biological control, supplemented by chemical control" should be adhered to. Agricultural control is the selection of high-resistance and multi-resistance varieties for the control of the main pests and diseases in the local area; the implementation of a strict cropping system should be carried out for more than three years with non-solanum crop rotations; paddy crop rotation should be implemented in areas where conditions permit; deep sorghum sorghum covering mulch Cultivate strong seedlings to improve stress resistance; balance soil fertility testing, increase fully mature organic fertilizers, reduce chemical fertilizers, prevent and control soil eutrophication, and clean the pastoral areas. By these means, the occurrence of pests and diseases can be greatly reduced. Physical control is the use of physical methods such as covering silver-gray mulch to repel aphids, traps in yellow plates, soaking in warm soup and other methods to prevent or reduce the occurrence of tomato pests and diseases. Biological control is the use of pests and natural enemies to eliminate the pests that have already occurred. Therefore, we should actively protect and use natural enemies. Another is the use of biological agents, such as the use of viruses, nematodes, etc. to prevent pests and plant-derived pesticides such as veratridine, matrine, azadirachtin, and bio-derived pesticides such as abamectin, agricultural streptomycin, new planting Biopesticides, such as antibiotics, prevent and treat pests and diseases. In principle, chemical control should be supplemented throughout the pest control of tomato plants. In addition, the type and dose of the used drug should be considered when using chemical control, because excessive or improper operation will lead to pesticide residues in the fruit increase, and the produced tomato products do not meet the requirements of pollution-free tomato products. For pollution-free tomato field production, pesticide dosages and safety intervals should be strictly controlled. The main medicines used for pest control and prevention were as follows: Bleeding-fallen disease: sprayed with phosgene at 64% and mancozeb of 550 times, with a safety interval of 3 days. Rhizoctonia: spraying with 72.2% of Proplourosome 800 times, with a safety interval of 5 days. Botrytis cinerea: sprayed with 50% procymidone WP 1500 times, 1 day interval between safety intervals. Or 50% vinyl sclerotinary WP spray 1000 times, safety interval of 4 days. Early blight: sprayed with 70% mancozeb 500 times, safety interval 15 days. Or 75% chlorothalonil WP spray 600 times, safe interval of 7 days. Late blight: spray 40% EB-Zn WP 300 times, with a 5 day interval between safety intervals. Or 72.2% of Propophytic Granules 800 times spray, safety interval of 5 days. Leaf mould: sprayed with 2% Wuyi water agent 500 times, safety interval 2 days. Or 47% kasugamycin + copper hydroxide wettable powder 800 times spray, safety interval 21 days. Canker disease: Use 77% copper hydroxide wettable powder 500 times spray, safety interval of 3 days. Virus disease: 100 times liquid with 83 increasing resistance agent, spray once at seedling stage and after easing seedlings, safety interval is 3 days. Aphids: spraying with 2.5% deltamethrin EC 2000-3000 times, 2 days intervals between safety intervals, or 10% imidacloprid WP 2000-3000 sprays, with a safety interval of 7 days. Whitefly: sprayed with 2.5% bifenthrin 3,000 times, with a safety interval of 4 days. Bemisia tabaci: 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 to 3000 times, safety intervals of 7 days. Leaf flies: sprayed with 1.8-8% fulmolinoxin 2000-3000 times, with a safety interval of 7 days. According to the requirement of pollution-free tomato production, the following pesticides cannot be used in the production process. They are mainly high-toxicity and high-residue pesticides, including insecticidal guanidine, cyanide, lead phosphide, hexachlorobiguanide, DDT, chlordane and methylamine. Phosphorus (3911), Parathion (1605), Parathion (methyl 1605), Phosphorous uptake (1059), Suhua 203, Phytophosphate, Phosphamidon, Isopropyl Phosphorus, Omethoate, Phosphorus Zinc, Carbofuran, Isocarbophos, Monocrotophos, Dicofol, Aldicarb, Fluoroacetamide, Organic Mercury Agents, Arsenic Preparations, Xilisheng, Saili Powder, Ulcer Net, Sodium Pentachlorophenol, etc. Other highly toxic, high residue pesticides. The state has banned the use of the above-mentioned pesticides and made a series of regulations. In addition, physiological diseases are often heard in production and are often caused by adversity conditions. Mainly include the phenomenon of umbilical rot, sunburn, malformed fruit, empty fruit, cracked fruit, leaf curling, abnormally large stems and so on. Therefore, in the production process, do not ignore physiological diseases.

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