The role of organic fertilizers in agricultural production

Organic fertilizer, commonly known as farmyard fertilizer, refers to slow-acting fertilizers containing a large number of biological substances, animal and plant residues, excreta, and biological waste. Organic fertilizer not only contains a large number of elements and trace elements necessary for plants, but also contains abundant organic nutrients. Organic fertilizer is the most comprehensive fertilizer. The role of organic fertilizers in agricultural production is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

First, improve the soil, fertility and fertility. After the organic fertilizer is applied to the soil, the organic matter can effectively improve the physicochemical status and biological characteristics of the soil, ripen the soil, enhance the ability of the soil to maintain fertilizer, supply fertilizer and buffer, and create good soil conditions for the growth of the crop.

Second, increase production and improve quality. Organic fertilizers are rich in organic matter and various nutrients to provide nutrition for crops. After decomposing organic fertilizers, it provides energy and nutrients for soil microbial activities, promotes microbial activity, accelerates the decomposition of organic matter, and produces active substances that can promote the growth of crops and improve the quality of agricultural products.

Third, improve the utilization of fertilizers. Organic fertilizers contain many nutrients but relatively low levels, and release slowly. Fertilizers have high nutrient content, low composition, and rapid release. The two are applied rationally and complement each other. The organic acids produced by the decomposition of organic matter can also promote the dissolution of mineral nutrients in C1C and chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer promote each other, which is beneficial to crop absorption and increase the utilization of fertilizer.

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