Six details to determine what your body lacks

Although we know that for the sake of good health, the diet should be balanced and it should be nutritionally appropriate. Can you really know what the body needs most? The following six small details of the body can help you determine what you are missing.

Signal 1: Hair dry, thin, easy to break, hair loss

Possible lack of nutrition: protein, energy, fatty acids, trace elements of zinc.

Nutritional countermeasures: daily intake of staple foods. Daily guarantee 3 two lean meats, 1 egg, 250 ml milk, to supplement high-quality protein, while increasing the intake of essential fatty acids.

Take 2 or 3 fishes per week, and eat more oysters to increase trace element zinc.

Signal 2: Lower night vision

Possible Deficiency of Nutrition: Vitamin A

Nutrition strategy: Increase the intake of foods such as carrots and liver. Both provide vitamin A in the form of plants and animals, respectively, which absorb more efficiently. It should be noted that vitamin A is a vitamin that dissolves in oil and does not dissolve in water. Therefore, frying carrots with vegetable oil is more effective than raw carrots. The absorption efficiency of vitamin A can be greatly improved.

The vitamin A in the diet is derived from two parts: one is retinol directly from animal foods, such as animal liver, egg yolk, butter, other animal viscera, etc.; the other part is from the yellow-green color rich in carotene. Vegetables and fruits such as carrots, canola, peppers, tomatoes and tangerines.

Signal 3: Glossitis, Tongue Dehiscence, Tongue Edema

Possible lack of nutrition: B vitamins.

Nutritional measures: long-term consumption of fine rice noodles, long-term vegetarian diet, it is easy to cause the loss of B vitamins. To this end, we should match the weight of the staple food with meat and vegetarian dishes. If you have a vegetarian diet, you should add a certain amount of compound vitamin B family medicines daily.

Signal 4: Cracked mouth

Nutrition that may be lacking: riboflavin and niacin.

Nutritional countermeasures: The content of riboflavin (vitamin B1) varies greatly in different foods. Animal liver, egg yolk, milk and other richer content. For this purpose, weekly (2 to 3 two) livers should be supplemented and 250 ml of milk and one egg should be added daily.

It should be noted that the processing of cereals can cause a large loss of vitamin B1. For example, the preservation rate of vitamin B1 in white rice is only 11%, and the preservation rate of vitamin B1 in wheat standard powder is only 35%. Therefore, the staple food should be carefully matched. Niacin is mainly derived from animal foods, especially liver and chicken livers.

Signal 5: Gingival bleeding

Nutrition that may be lacking: Vitamin C.

Nutritional countermeasures: Vitamin C is the easiest vitamin to lack, because it is more demanding on living conditions, and light, temperature, storage, and cooking methods can cause the destruction or loss of vitamin C. Therefore, a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits should be eaten daily, preferably about 1 pound of vegetables and 2 or 3 fruits. Among them, the cooking method of vegetables should be combined with stir-fried and cold.

Vitamin C food sources: mainly from fresh vegetables and fruits, such as pepper, spinach, tomatoes, orange, orange, jujube, etc.; animal foods only liver and kidney contains a small amount of vitamin C.

Signal 6: Decreased taste

Nutrition that may be lacking: zinc.

Nutrition strategy: Appropriate increase in shellfish foods, such as oysters, scallops, etc., is an effective means to supplement the trace elements zinc. In addition, ensuring that one egg, three red meats, and two beans are needed daily to supplement the trace element zinc.

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