How bad weather gives cotton spray effect

When spraying pesticides on cotton to control pests and diseases, adverse weather effects often affect the quality of spraying, reducing the effectiveness of control, and even the occurrence of phytotoxicity. What is a good way? 1. Spraying on a windy day: The liquid is easily blown by the wind, and the cotton strain is not uniform, affecting the control effect. The measure is to use pesticides with good absorption and penetrating power. When spraying, the sprayer should be closer to the cotton plant so as to prevent the pesticide mist from scattering. At the same time, people should use drugs on the side of the wind to prevent the liquid from being blown into the respiratory tract to cause poisoning. 2. Spraying on cloudy and rainy days: The liquid medicine is easily washed by rain or is dripped after it is diluted with rainwater remaining on the cotton leaf, which affects the control effect. The measure is the use of rainy gaps and the use of highly contact-prone, fast-growing pesticides. When spraying, the concentration of the drug solution can be appropriately increased to reduce the amount of drug solution. 3, dew day spray: liquid easy to drop with dew drops affect control effect. The measure is to increase the concentration of the drug solution, reduce the amount of drug solution, and evenly spray it to release the drug. It can also be sprayed after the dew drops dry.